GTA+ (Xbox Series X|S) — 一個月訂閱

GTA+ (Xbox Series X|S) — 一個月訂閱

RockStar Games

除非您的 Microsoft 帳戶取消訂閱,否則訂閱會自動繼續。 查看條款。

GTA$500,000 is deposited directly into your Maze Bank account each month of your GTA+ membership.

Grow your bank account

GTA$500,000 is deposited directly into your Maze Bank account each month of your GTA+ membership.

Member Events rotate every 4-6 weeks & deliver benefits like bonus items & gameplay accelerators.

Exclusive Member Events

Member Events rotate every 4-6 weeks & deliver benefits like bonus items & gameplay accelerators.

Access a curated stock of distinct vehicles, including a select vehicle to claim free each Event.

The Vinewood Car Club

Access a curated stock of distinct vehicles, including a select vehicle to claim free each Event.

Each Event brings access to rotating bonuses, incentives and cosmetics.

Stand Out From The Crowd

Each Event brings access to rotating bonuses, incentives and cosmetics.

Take advantage of special GTA+ Shark Cards that give even more GTA$ with each purchase.

Member-only Shark Cards

Take advantage of special GTA+ Shark Cards that give even more GTA$ with each purchase.

For more information on the latest GTA+ benefits, visit

And Lots More...

For more information on the latest GTA+ benefits, visit


GTA+ 是 Xbox Series X|S 平台的 GTA 線上模式玩家的高級月費會籍 GTA 線上模式福利 GTA+ 會員可獲得 50 萬 GTA 遊戲幣的現金流,每月自動存入花園銀行帳戶,還可享有: - 好麥塢俱樂部設施,包括可容納 100 輛車的寬敞車庫、載具折扣優惠、試駕,以及可領取的獎勵載具 - 特殊塗裝和獨特服飾選項 - 購買會員限定鯊魚現金卡享額外 15% 的 GTA 遊戲幣 - CEO 與老大享更多好處,以及更多 額外福利 GTA+ 會員可進入 GTA+ 遊戲收藏庫,在 Xbox Series X|S 平台暢玩精選 Rockstar Games 經典遊戲。 若想深入了解目前 GTA 線上模式的福利和 GTA+ 遊戲收藏庫的遊戲,請造訪。 玩家必須擁有 Xbox Series X|S 版 Grand Theft Auto 線上模式才能獲得 GTA 線上模式福利。隨附於 GTA+ 的福利、遊戲及任何線上功能可能會隨時變更,如需更多資訊,請造訪。GTA+ 定期服務適用相關條款與條件,且購買、使用和兌換遊戲幣皆可能有特定限制(包括年齡和可用性限制),詳情請見。線上主機遊戲功能可能需要額外付費平台定期服務及註冊帳號。 Rockstar Games, Inc. ©2001–2024。Rockstar Games、Rockstar North、Grand Theft Auto、GTA Five、Grand Theft Auto Online、GTA+ 及 [R*] 為 Take-Two Interactive 之版權及商標。所有其他標章和商標為其各自擁有者之財產。保留一切權利。


RockStar Games


  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S





110 W 44th St,New York,10036-4011,NY,US


+1 6468172429
