Generation Zero® - Advanced Intelligence Cosmetics Pack

Generation Zero® - Advanced Intelligence Cosmetics Pack

Systemic Reaction動作與冒險射擊
適合 12 歲 (含) 以上


此內容需要遊戲 (個別販售)。

主機上的線上多人遊戲需要有 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 或 Xbox Game Pass Core (需另行購買)。


They say if you know your enemy well, you learn to wear his skin. As Resistance, you understand nothing better than the machines you fight day in, day out. That makes these new weapon skins, themed after the different FNIX machine classes, a fitting reward for your survival. - Three industrial orange Prototype skins for the AI-76 Assault Rifle, Möller PP, and M/46 ""Kpist"" SMG. - Four intimidating red and black Artificial Intelligence skins with light emissive maps for the Granatgevär m/49, .44 Magnus, Automatgevär 5, and Pansarvärnsgevär 90. - Three radioactive teal and yellow Apocalypse skins with light emissive maps for the Meusser Hunting Rifle, 12G Pump-Action, and Klaucke 17. Your hacked Machine Companion is proving a useful tactical asset. If you survive, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship. So why not customize your rusty sidekick? This pack includes the gritty cosmetics of Apocalypse class machines for your Machine Companion. - Apocalypse Class Companion Skin: The colors and patterns of the deadly Apocalypse class machines, including their emissive glow sections. - Apocalypse Companion Light Kit: A radioactive yellow light kit to match their new Apocalypse Class skin and voice box. - Apocalypse Voice Box: Sounds inspired by the Apocalypse class machines. - Vocoder Voice Box: Sounds like a sinister space robot you shouldn’t entrust with your safety.


Systemic Reaction


Systemic Reaction




  • 電腦
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Online co-op
  • Online multiplayer