Dead by Daylight: CURTAIN CALL Chapter

Dead by Daylight: CURTAIN CALL Chapter

Starbreeze Publishing ABЕкшн і пригодиІнші
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Від 18 років і старше
Онлайнова гра, Насильство

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The CURTAIN CALL Chapter is a Chapter for Dead by Daylight. People often speak of the tears of a clown, of the sadness that lies beneath the greasepaint smile. What if that wasn’t sadness, but a deep malevolence, born of a life spent in the pursuit of drink and gluttony? A mind that sees others only as vessels for torture, and reduces their bodies down to a single finger, a trophy to be added to a collection? For something like that to survive, it would have to wear a disguise, cloak itself in a brighter aspect and a broad smile, even if it were just painted on. Kate Denson’s smile is genuine, friendly and warm. She sings of love and life, family and hope. She holds those values dear, and will fight anyone who tries to destroy them.


Starbreeze Publishing AB


Behaviour Interactive Inc.


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