+Uygulama içi satın almalar sunar.
WARNING: This game is going to be tough. DO NOT engage with this game if you only have one controller to smash, have neighbors who don't like to hear cursing, or have a weak heart. Can you evolve from a simple circle to scale a tower and save...well, whoever is crying out for help at the top? Beneath the simple graphics lies an old-school, 2D platformer. -Find and evolve new forms and attacks that help you get past enemies and obstacles as you scale the tower -Many rooms, hidden secrets, and unlockable characters -Starts off easy and then ramps up the challenge. Hope you have quick fingers. -If you reach the top of the tower...well, is it the end of the game, or just the beginning? ---All proceeds go to animal charity!--- ***For use with an Xbox gamepad***
Çıkış tarihi
- Bilgisayar
- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X|S
- Tek oyuncu
- Xbox Series X|S İçin Optimize Edildi
- Akıllı Teslim
- PC Oyun Kumandası
- Xbox başarıları
- Xbox iletişim durumu
- Xbox bulut kayıtları
- Xbox Play Anywhere
14,00 ₺+StickType
14,00 ₺+BU SÜRÜM StickType Ultimate Bundle
17,00 ₺+StickType Ultimate Bundle
17,00 ₺+OYUNA GİTOyunlar eklendi
StickTypeEklentiler eklendi
StickLady DLCStickType Challenge DLCStickType Color Variant DLC