Deathbound DLC - Accepted by Death

Deathbound DLC - Accepted by Death

Tate MultimediaAksiyon ve maceraDövüş
14,00 ₺
Oyun gerektirir
Oyun gerektirir
16 yaş ve üzeri için
Aşırı Şiddet, Çok Kaba Dil

Bu içerik için bir oyun (ayrı satılır) gerekir.


"Enter the mysterious liminal space between Life and Death a floating rock in the void. In this epic DLC you must release the great essences of the 5 bosses representing five stages of grief – Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance – before unlocking Path to Death for the final showdown with Grief – The Purifier – the mightiest of them all. Challenge yourself in a new Boss Rush mode where every death is permanent, and strategy is key. Defeat the bosses, gain Mutators that impact your next fight, and unlock the gate to face the final new boss. Do you have what it takes to conquer Grief and rest in peace? "


Tate Multimedia


Trialforge Studio

Çıkış tarihi



  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S