Grandia HD Collection

Grandia HD Collection

GungHo Online Entertainment America, Inc.เกมสวมบทบาท
รองรับ 7 ภาษา
รองรับ 7 ภาษา
สำหรับอายุ 12 ปีขึ้นไป
มีเนื้อหารุนแรงปานกลาง, มีการสบถเล็กน้อย


The highly-anticipated Grandia HD Collection for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S are here! Get your hands on two games that changed the landscape of RPGs forever, in beautiful HD graphics. GRANDIA: Dive into the captivating journey of Justin and his allies as they race against the sinister Garlyle Forces. Unravel the mysteries of a forgotten civilization and immerse yourself in an RPG hailed as a timeless classic, inspiring generations of games to come. GRANDIA II: Step into the shoes of Ryudo, a jaded Geohound with a heart, as he embarks on a magical quest alongside a group of unlikely allies. Their journey is riddled with twists and turns as they seek a divine weapon to save the world. Delve deep into this tale where the line between good and evil blurs, and everything is open to question…


GungHo Online Entertainment America, Inc.


Sickhead Games, LLC




  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • ผู้เล่นเดียว
  • Xbox Achievements
  • Xbox Cloud Saves