Solasta: Lightbringers Edition

Solasta: Lightbringers Edition

Tactical AdventuresRollspel
599,00 kr+
6 språk som stöds
6 språk som stöds
Från 16 år
Grovt våld, Grovt språk

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Spelet kräver onlineprenumeration för flera spelare för att kunna spela på konsolen (Game Pass Core eller Ultimate, säljs separat).


Grab your torches and jump into the World of Solasta with the Lightbringers Edition! Get the full experience of Solasta with all its DLCs in a single package - with all the ancestries, classes and subclasses unlocked. Be it alone or with friends with our Online Co-op, enjoy hundreds of hours of playtime through the three official campaigns: Crown of the Magister, Lost Valley and Palace of Ice. And if that's not enough, check out all the Custom Campaigns made by talented members of the community... or become a dungeon creator yourself with the Dungeon Maker tool! The Solasta Lightbringers Edition contains: - Crown of the Magister: The original level 1-12 campaign. From fledgling adventurers to saviours of Masgarth, this 40h+ campaign will take you through the Badlands in search of ancient artifacts to stand against a mysterious threat. - Palace of Ice: A level 10-16 campaign, it is the continuation of Crown of the Magister and Solasta's last DLC. Venture north into the lands of the Snow Alliance to help your allies and end the Sorak menace once and for all! Also unlocks the Gnome and Tiefling ancestries. - Lost Valley: A stand-alone level 1-12 campaign. Trapped by accident in an isolated valley where Manacalon's ancient traditions still rule, the party must find a way to escape by allying various factions jumping at each other's throat. Also unlocks an additional subclass for each class. - Primal Calling: Unlocks the Barbarian & Druid classes, as well as the Half-Orc ancestry. - Inner Strength: Unlocks the Warlock, Bard & Monk classes, as well as the Dragonborn ancestry. - Supporter Pack: Enjoy additional dice to choose from in the option menu, as well as a plethora of high quality concept art from the development of the game!

Publicerat av

Tactical Adventures



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  • PC
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Samarbete online (2-4)
  • Xbox – plattformsoberoende flerspelarläge
  • En spelare
  • Xbox – plattformsoberoende samarbetsläge