New World: Aeternum Character Transfer

New World: Aeternum Character Transfer

Amazon GamesRollspelAction och äventyr
154,00 kr
Kräver ett spel
Kräver ett spel

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Allows you to transfer a character to another world of your choice. World Transfer Requirements - You must be in a Sanctuary (Settlement, Outpost, Spirit Shrine, or Watchtower) - You cannot belong to a Company - You cannot have active Trading Post orders - You cannot have unclaimed Compensations  What Will Not Transfer - Your Friends List will be erased and will not carry over - Season Pass Progress By downloading the game, you agree to the Amazon Games Terms of Use and our Code of Conduct Please read our Privacy Notice Note, New World: Aeternum installs anti-cheat software to protect fair play:

Publicerat av

Amazon Games

Utvecklat av

Amazon Games Orange County Studio



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  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S