Moon Hunters

Moon Hunters

Kitfox GamesAction och äventyrRollspel
14,90 kr
Utförsäljning: spara 134,10 kr, slutar om 1 dag
*sålt för 149,00 kr under de senaste 30 dagarna
Utförsäljning: spara 134,10 kr, slutar om 1 dag
Från 7 år


Explore a 1 to 4 player co-operative personality test set in a rich, ancient world that's different every time you play. You have 5 days before King Mardokh and the Sun Cultists declare war on Issaria’s tribes. Multiple playthroughs of this short story will let you see it from different angles and uncover new sides to characters, conflicts, and narratives. Try out all 4 player hometowns and 6 player character classes, each with their own abilities and randomly generated upgrades as you build your mythology. Every action and choice you make contributes to your legend, as a constellation in the night sky. How will you be remembered?

Publicerat av

Kitfox Games

Utvecklat av

Kitfox Games



Spela med

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Xbox – flerspelarläge offline (2-4)
  • Gemensam/delad skärm