Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever

2K GamesSkjutspel
199,00 kr+
Från 18 år
Grovt språk, Droger, Hasardspel, Våld

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Spel på begäran har stöd för engelska, franska, italienska, tyska, spanska.The King is Back! Cocked, loaded and ready for action, Duke Nukem Forever is pure unadulterated fun. Bastard Alien hordes are stealing Earth’s women. But nothing stands between Duke and his babes. Epic ass-kicking, massive weapons, giant explosions – yes. Inappropriate, insensitive and offensive – you bet. Get ready for the most bitchin’ and bodacious time you’re likely to ever have.

Publicerat av

2K Games

Utvecklat av

Gearbox Software



Spela med

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S