SNK 40th Anniversary Collection

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection

Other OceanКласикаДругоIgre ulogaPucanjeSport
Za uzrast od 12 godina i više
Umereno nasilje


2018 marked the 40th anniversary of legendary studio SNK! To celebrate this extraordinary milestone, a variety of classic arcade games from SNK's golden age are coming back together in one anthology on Xbox One. SNK 40th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION is packed full of retro games and a treasure trove of features!

Published by

Other Ocean

Developed by

Digital Eclipse

Release date


Playable on

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Кооперација играча локално за Xbox (2-2)
  • Више играча локално за Xbox (2-4)
  • 4K Ultra HD
  • Single player
  • Xbox One X Enhanced
  • Достигнућа за Xbox
  • Присуство за Xbox
  • Сачувано у облаку за Xbox
  • Xbox Live