SnowRunner - Season 5: Build & Dispatch (Windows 10)

SnowRunner - Season 5: Build & Dispatch (Windows 10)

Focus EntertainmentSimulim
Requires a game
Requires a game
Për 3 vjeç e lart

Ndërveprim i përdoruesve, In-Game Purchases

This content requires a game (sold separately).

Online multiplayer on console requires Xbox Game Pass Ultimate or Xbox Game Pass Core (sold separately).


Expand your SnowRunner experience with Season 5: Build & Dispatch. Restore an old TATRA factory in Rostov Oblast, Russia, with two new maps to explore alongside two new TATRA vehicles. The Season 5: Build & Dispatch DLC is available as part of the Year 2 Pass, or as a standalone purchase. Season 5: Build & Dispatch includes: • Two new hill-covered maps in Rostov Oblast, Russia, that you must scavenge to restore a TATRA factory, complete with its signature testing grounds! The surrounding wilderness includes an old nature reserve with dozens of areas to explore. • Two new TATRA vehicles, that will be unlocked once you restore the vehicle facility: The TATRA FORCE and the TATRA PHOENIX, a pair of modern 8-wheeler powerhouses.

Published by

Focus Entertainment

Developed by

Saber Interactive

Release date


Play with

  • PC


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