EA Play


Electronic ArtsAkčné a adventúry
Podporované jazyky: 6
Podporované jazyky: 6
Od 7 rokov
Strach, Násilie


Fe is a new type of platform adventure where the story is up to you to discover, without handholding, told wordlessly through the discoveries you make during gameplay. Run, climb and glide your way through a dark Nordic forest and explore its living, breathing ecosystem filled with secrets and mystical creatures. At the heart of the experience is a tactile, analogue song mechanic that allows you to communicate and speak to every living thing in the forest. Learn a diverse array of animal cries that allow you to befriend or manipulate any creature - even plants. Have birds guide you, bears fight for you and have plants grow berries that help you overcome the Silent Ones. Become Fe and discover a world that you will never want to leave. *CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SEE www.ea.com/games/fe/disclaimers FOR DETAILS. © 2017 Zoink AB Fe and the Fe logo are all trademarks held by Zoink AB.


Electronic Arts



Dátum vydania


Hrateľné na

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • 4K Ultra HD
  • Jeden hráč
  • Rozšírenie pre Xbox One X

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