The Darkspawn Chronicles

The Darkspawn Chronicles

Electronic ArtsFabularne
17,99 zł
Wymaga gry
Wymaga gry
18 lat lub więcej

Ta zawartość wymaga gry (sprzedawana osobno).


Play as the darkspawn! The city of Denerim, jewel of Ferelden, girds itself for war. As a hurlock vanguard, you alone hold the power to make thralls of your fellow darkspawn and drive them into the heat of battle. Heed the archdemon's call--Denerim must burn! Includes: (1) A standalone adventure in which you command genlocks, hurlocks, shrieks, and even the mighty ogres. (2) A look at an alternate history: what if your character had died in the Joining ceremony, and the Wardens marched under Alistair's command instead? To begin this dark new tale: From the main menu, select New Game, then select The Darkspawn Chronicles. REQUIRES LATEST TITLE UPDATE FOR DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS (installed automatically if you play while connected to Xbox LIVE). There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see

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Electronic Arts

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Graj z

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S