Space Engineers: Contact Pack

Space Engineers: Contact Pack

Keen Software House s.r.o.Akcja i przygodaSymulatory
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Contact pack Space Engineers: Contact pack includes Gatling and Rocket turret variants, Square piston variant, Parabolic antenna variant, Small gates, Modular bridge set, Flood lights set, Kitchen set, Modular cargo container, Captain's desk, First Aid cabinet, Bunk and Media player. Gatling Turret Type II (1 block, L + S grid) This variation of the Gatling Turret sports a new visual style inspired by real world military weapons. Rocket Turret Type II (1 block, L + S grid) A high-tech militaristic redesign of the Rocket Turret. Small Gate Tall (1 block, L grid) A large doorway which opens vertically. Small Gate Wide (1 block, L grid) A large doorway which opens horizontally. Modular Bridge Set (11 blocks, L grid) A set of blocks featuring reinforced windows and control blocks which can be combined to make the perfect bridge for a large grid ship. Captain's Desk (1 block, L grid) A workstation fit for stoic leadership! Square Piston (1 block, L + S grid) A variant of the piston block featuring a sturdy, industrial aesthetic. Flood Light Set (4 blocks, L grid + 6 blocks, S grid) A set of spotlights which can be placed in a variety of angles. Perfect for illuminating any workspace, or keeping the perimeter secure. Parabolic Antenna (1 block, L + S grid) A variant of the compact antenna reminiscent of modern radar dishes. Kitchen set (5 blocks, S grid) A set of modular kitchen blocks, perfect for adding a living compartment within a small grid. First Aid Cabinet (1 block, S grid) A storage cabinet for housing medical kits and equipment. Bunk (1 block, S grid) A compact sleeping space for small grids. Modular Cargo Container (1 block, S grid) This cargo container variant is capable of storing a moderate amount of cargo inside an easily stacked modular frame. Media Player (1 block, S grid) A sleek flat panel screen complete with a speaker system.

Opublikowane przez

Keen Software House s.r.o.

Opracowane przez

Keen Software House s.r.o.

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  • Xbox One
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