Hunting and Trading Pack

Hunting and Trading Pack

Rockstar GamesAkcja i przygodaStrzelanki
Wymaga gry
Wymaga gry
18 lat lub więcej
Wulgarne słownictwo, Narkotyki, Przemoc, Hazard

Ta zawartość wymaga gry (sprzedawana osobno).


The Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack features two new outfits with challenges to unlock in Red Dead Redemption single player. Buy guns and ammo at half the cost with the Savvy Merchant Outfit. Collect double the amount of skins and hides from hunting with the Expert Hunter Outfit. This pack also includes compatibility features, enabling everyone online to see the new multiplayer characters used by those who have purchased any of the Add-On packs.

Opublikowane przez

Rockstar Games

Opracowane przez

Rockstar San Diego

Data wydania


Graj z

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S