Battlefield 4™ Second Assault

Battlefield 4™ Second Assault

Electronic ArtsStrzelanki
59,99 zł
Wymaga gry
Wymaga gry
18 lat lub więcej
Wulgarne słownictwo, Przemoc, Gra online

Ta zawartość wymaga gry (sprzedawana osobno).


Battlefield 4 Second Assault is one of five expansion packs included in Battlefield 4 Premium. Play in four of Battlefield’s most popular maps two years after the events of Battlefield 3 and with added dynamic elements that change your game in real-time. Create your own corridors in the tunnels of Operation Metro, or cloak yourself behind the smoke and flames of wildfires on the Caspian Border. Further enriched by more weapons, vehicles, and the return of a fan favorite multiplayer mode, the maps you love are more explosive and exciting than they’ve ever been before.

Opublikowane przez

Electronic Arts

Opracowane przez

Games Dice LA

Data wydania


Graj z

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S