The Fast Journey
In "The Fast Journey", embark on an exciting 2D adventure as a brave frog named Rafa. Your beloved frog, Polly, is captured by malevolent creatures. Determined to rescue Polly, Rafa sets out on a journey full of dangers and challenges. Along his journey, Rafa will face terrifying enemies, overcome ingenious obstacles and explore stunning environments, from treacherous swamps to enchanted forests. With intuitive controls and slick platform mechanics, the player will need to master the frog's precise jumps to overcome treacherous chasms, avoid deadly traps and face powerful bosses. With beautiful pixel art, catchy soundtrack and enchanting narrative, "The Fast Journey" offers an immersive experience filled with emotion, love and overcoming. Get ready to jump into the action and embark on an unforgettable journey to save Rafa's love in this 2D adventure full of charm and challenges.
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- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X|S
- Tryb dla jednego gracza
- Osiągnięcia w usłudze Xbox
- Zapisy stanu gry w chmurze w usłudze Xbox
The Fast Journey
25,49 złThe Fast Journey
25,49 złTA WERSJA The Fast Journey Bundle
39,49 złThe Fast Journey Bundle
39,49 złPRZEJDŹ DO GRYUwzględnione gry
The Fast JourneyHardcore Platform Bundle
74,99 złHardcore Platform Bundle
74,99 złPRZEJDŹ DO GRYUwzględnione gry
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