The Expanse: A Telltale Series - Deluxe Edition

The Expanse: A Telltale Series - Deluxe Edition

TelltaleActie en avontuur
€ 29,99+
6 ondersteunde talen
6 ondersteunde talen
18 jaar en ouder
Extreem geweld, Grof taalgebruik

+In-app-aankopen beschikbaar.


The Expanse: A Telltale Series Deluxe Edition brings together all five ground-breaking episodes of The Expanse: A Telltale Series along with Telltale’s bonus episode “ARCHANGEL”. “ARCHANGEL” is a brand new chapter in the saga and sees Shohreh Aghdashloo returning as fan-favorite Chrisjen Avasarala, a canny operator who must out-maneuver political adversaries and deal with personal emotions while fighting to protect the planet during her early career as Under-Secretary for Peace Operations, a unit formed to defend earth from impending danger. The Deluxe Edition includes: Episode 1: Archer's Paradox (Available July 27, 2023) Episode 2: Hunting Grounds (Available August 10, 2023) Episode 3: First Ones (Available August 24, 2023) Episode 4: Impossible Objects (Available September 7, 2023) Episode 5: Europa's Folly (Available September 21, 2023) Bonus Episode: ARCHANGEL (Available Fall 2023)

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Ontwikkeld door

Deck Nine



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