60 Seconds! Reatomized

60 Seconds! Reatomized

Robot GentlemanActie en avontuurRollenspellenOverigStrategieSimulatie
€ 9,99
12 jaar en ouder
Mild vloeken


Dolores, Ted, Mary Jane and Timmy return to face the nuclear apocalypse in this new, remastered edition of the classic atomic adventure - 60 Seconds! Reatomized, featuring 4K support, refreshed 2D graphics and hand-drawn 3D textures, new interactive menu, improved UI system, a technical refresh, and of course... new content! With only 60 seconds left to impact, go on a mad dash through the house in search of family members and useful supplies. Everything will be against you: time, your very own furniture, a house that's different every time you play, and the fundamental question... what to take with you and who to leave behind? Reaching the fallout shelter in time, alive, is only the beginning. Whatever you scavenged and whoever you saved will play a vital role in your survival. Each survival story will be different, with every day surprising you with unexpected events. Will all of these stories end well? It's up to you. Ration food and water, make best use of your supplies, face difficult choices and even venture into the wasteland. Good luck.

Gepubliceerd door

Robot Gentleman

Ontwikkeld door

Robot Gentleman



Spelen met

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • 4K Ultra HD
  • Eén speler
  • Geoptimaliseerd voor Xbox One X
  • Xbox-achievements
  • Aanwezigheid Xbox
  • Xbox-opslag in de cloud

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