Weedcraft Inc + Bio Inc. Redemption - Medical Herbs Bundle

Weedcraft Inc + Bio Inc. Redemption - Medical Herbs Bundle

€ 34,99
9 ondersteunde talen
9 ondersteunde talen
18 jaar en ouder
Drugs, Grof taalgebruik


Weedcraft Inc explores the business of producing, breeding and selling weed in America, delving deep into the financial, political and cultural aspects of the country's complex relationship with this troublesome and promising plant. An important, controversial topic presented in an insightful and detailed manner, Weedcraft Inc presents a challenge to those who would rule the reefer, offering a series of diverse scenarios and unique characters to work with (or around) as your budding empire grows. Bio Inc.: Redemption is a complex biomedical simulator in which you make life or death decisions. Create the ultimate illness to infect and torment your victim or play as the head of a medical team and hopefully find a cure to save your patient. Will you be the plague or preserve humanity? Including over 600 actual diseases, viruses, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatments and other medical conditions, Bio Inc.: Redemption is frighteningly realistic. It will captivate you for hours, bringing you into a microscopic world of epic plague proportions!

Gepubliceerd door


Ontwikkeld door

Vile Monarch / Dry Gin Studios



Spelen met

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Single player

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