Minecraft for Windows
Game Pass

Minecraft for Windows

Microsoft StudiosAction og eventyrFamilie og barnSimulering
4 tilgjengelighetsfunksjoner
4 tilgjengelighetsfunksjoner
7 år og eldre
Frykt, Mild vold

Brukere kommuniserer, Spillinterne kjøp

+Tilbyr kjøp i app.


Minecraft for Windows Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off the dangerous mobs. Scale craggy mountains, unearth elaborate caves, and mine large ore veins. Discover lush cave and dripstone cave biomes. Light up your world with candles to show what a savvy spelunker and master mountaineer you are! FEATURES: - If you can dream it, you can build it. Put your imagination and limitless resources to work with Creative Mode. - Battle mobs, construct shelter, and explore the landscape—it’s all in a day’s work when you try to survive and thrive in Survival Mode. - New tools, locations, and spaces are yours to explore, thanks to our regular updates. - Cross-platform play for up to eight players across Windows, PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox, and mobile devices. Minecraft for Windows also runs on Windows Mixed Reality and Oculus Rift devices and supports all features. - Slash commands: Tweak how the game plays- you can give items away, summon mobs, change the time of day, and more. - Discover skin, texture, and mash-up packs from the community! Find out more at minecraft.net/marketplace. - Join free massive multiplayer servers and play with thousands of others! Discover gigantic community-run worlds, compete in unique mini-games and socialize in lobbies full of new friends. - Ray tracing for Windows brings a different graphics experience to Minecraft! Experience creator-built worlds with realistic lighting, vibrant colors, naturally reflective water and emissive textures that light up. REALMS PLUS: Play with up to 10 friends cross-platform in worlds that exist anytime, anywhere- and get access to over 150 pieces of Marketplace content. Try a free 30-day trial in-app and learn more at minecraft.net/realms/bedrock. Also, you can also play Minecraft Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Java Edition with Xbox Game Pass- check it out at xbox.com/xbox-game-pass/pc-games. To buy Minecraft Java Edition to own, visit Minecraft.net/get-minecraft. NOTE: Worlds/saves from the Java Edition of Minecraft are not compatible Minecraft for Windows. SUPPORT: https:///www.minecraft.net/help LEARN MORE: https:///www.minecraft.net/

Publisert av

Microsoft Studios

Utviklet av

Mojang/Microsoft Studios



Spill med

  • PC


  • Flerspillerspill på nettet (2-8)
  • Xbox, flerspiller på tvers av plattformer
  • Windows Mixed Reality
  • Én spiller
  • Strålesporing

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