Like a Dragon: Ishin! Digital Deluxe Edition

Like a Dragon: Ishin! Digital Deluxe Edition

SEGAAction og eventyr
kr 279,60+
Optimalisert for Xbox Series X|S
Optimalisert for Xbox Series X|S
Smart levering
Smart levering
På salg: spar kr 419,40, slutter om 14 dager
5 tilgjengelighetsfunksjoner
9 språk som støttes
*solgt for kr 699,00 de siste 30 dagene
Optimalisert for Xbox Series X|S
Optimalisert for Xbox Series X|S
Smart levering
Smart levering
På salg: spar kr 419,40, slutter om 14 dager
5 tilgjengelighetsfunksjoner
9 språk som støttes
18 år og eldre
Upassende språkbruk, Gambling, Vold

Spillinterne kjøp

+Tilbyr kjøp i app.


Don the clothes and weaponry of the elite to become the samurai of legend, Sakamoto Ryoma. The Deluxe Edition both adds challenge to your journey and gives you additional resources to overcome it. The Deluxe Edition includes: • Shinsengumi Captain’s Set • Ryoma Growth Support Kit • Sword Upgrade Materials Kit • Gun Upgrade Materials Kit • Third Division Armament Expansion Kit • The Dragon of Dojima Skin 1860s Kyo is plagued by widespread inequality, and one samurai will change the course of history in his search for justice. Take up the sword of Sakamoto Ryoma and venture to Kyoto to find your father’s killer, clear yourself of a framed murder, and restore your honor. In doing so, you will bring an end to the samurai era and forever change the future of Japan. Draw your blade, load your revolver, and join the revolution in this heated historical adventure that only the creators of Yakuza: Like a Dragon could produce.

Publisert av


Utviklet av

Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio



Spill med

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • 4K Ultra HD
  • Én spiller
  • Variabel oppdateringsfrekvens
  • Optimalisert for Xbox Series X|S
  • Smart levering
  • PC-spillkontroller

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    Deluxe Upgrade Bundle

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    Shinsengumi Captain's SetRyoma Growth Support KitSword Upgrade Materials KitGun Upgrade Materials KitThird Division Armament Expansion KitThe Dragon of Dojima Skin
  2. Like a Dragon: Ishin! Digital Deluxe Edition

    Like a Dragon: Ishin! Digital Deluxe Edition

    kr 279,60+
    ingen bildetekst er tilgjengelig

    Like a Dragon: Ishin! Digital Deluxe Edition

    kr 279,60+

    Spill inkludert

    Like a Dragon: Ishin!

    Tillegg inkludert

    Shinsengumi Captain's SetRyoma Growth Support KitSword Upgrade Materials KitGun Upgrade Materials KitThird Division Armament Expansion KitThe Dragon of Dojima Skin