Insurgency: Sandstorm - The Warlord Gear Set

Insurgency: Sandstorm - The Warlord Gear Set

Focus EntertainmentAction og eventyrSkytespillSimuleringStrategi
kr 31,00
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Krever et spill
18 år og eldre
Upassende språkbruk, Vold

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The Warlord skin pack unlocks a unique look for your Insurgent soldier, complete with gold-plated AKM, skull mask, bandoliers, bone gloves, and camouflage pants. Be ready for everything the war can throw at you and look good doing it. This skin pack includes customization items for the head, chest, legs, gloves and gun slots for the Insurgents side. These items are unlocked for mix-and-match use in-game immediately.

Publisert av

Focus Entertainment

Utviklet av

New World Interactive



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  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC