

505 GamesAction og eventyr
kr 59,60
På salg: spar kr 89,40, slutter om 8 dager
*solgt for kr 149,00 de siste 30 dagene
På salg: spar kr 89,40, slutter om 8 dager
12 år og eldre
Mild banning


This masterpiece from Paul Helman and Sean Scapelhorn is a classic platformer that tells an emotional and surprisingly rich tale of self-discovery peppered with nostalgic popular culture references that will bring a smile to any gamer who enjoys the 8 and 16 bit era! Made by just two people, Horace offers over 15 hours of exciting platforming and pushes the boundaries of the genre with profound storytelling and quirky and nostalgic pop culture references! A game made by videogame lovers for videogame lovers! Adventure through hours and hours of varied gameplay! Overcome 2D platforming challenges with a unique twist, unlock new metroidvania inspired robot abilities, enjoy plenty of retro-inspired mini games and reunite Horace with his family.

Publisert av

505 Games

Utviklet av

Paul Helman and Sean Scapelhorn



Spill med

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Én spiller
  • Xbox-prestasjoner
  • Xbox-skylagringer