Across the Obelisk: Bernard, the Alchemist

Across the Obelisk: Bernard, the Alchemist

Paradox InteractiveKort og brettAction og eventyrRollespillStrategi
kr 51,00
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12 år og eldre
Moderat vold, Mild banning

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Bernard, the Alchemist is a Hero Pack that introduces the scout-healer multiclass to Across the Obelisk. Devise new party compositions and create advanced strategies thanks to Bernard’s unique class. Bernard is joined by a new pet, Inky, his faithful octopus friend. Bernard, the Alchemist Hero Pack contains: • Bernard, a scout-healer hybrid, best placed to take advantage of Flask and Rust, the tag and curse introduced in update 1.5. • A deceptive hero. Bernard might have the speed of a turtle, but his powers are much mightier! Use his mastery of Rust to inflict powerful effects on unsuspecting enemies or reduce the impact of negative effects on Bernard. • Inky, the octopus, a pet with the ability to shoot ink and apply the Wet, Poison and Dark status effects. • Three unique skins, each fit for adventuring on the high seas and beyond. • Three new cardbacks with a Sahti Islands flavor. • Custom replies for random events. Discover more about Bernard’s personality, backstory and hopes for a longer life. Thanks to Bernard, the Alchemist and Inky, his eight-legged friend, you can discover powerful new combinations previously unseen.

Publisert av

Paradox Interactive

Utviklet av

Dreamsite Games, Fire Falcom



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  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S