The Messenger

The Messenger

Devolver DigitalAzzjoni u avventuraLogħob fuq pjattaforma
10 Supported languages
10 Supported languages
Għall-etajiet minn 7 snin 'il fuq
Biża', Vjolenza Mansa

+Offers in-app purchases.


As a demon army besieges his village, a young ninja ventures through a cursed world, to deliver a scroll paramount to his clan’s survival. What begins as a classic action platformer soon unravels into an expansive time-traveling adventure full of thrills, surprises, and humor.

Published by

Devolver Digital

Developed by

Sabotage Studio

Release date


Play with

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Plejer waħdieni
  • Xbox kisbiet
  • Xbox preżenza
  • Xbox isejvja fuq cloud

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