Knights of Braveland: Fantastic Beasts

Knights of Braveland: Fantastic Beasts

Ellada GamesAzzjoni u avventuraFamilja u tfalLogħob fuq pjattaformaLogħob tar-rwoli
Requires a game
Requires a game
Għall-etajiet minn 7 snin 'il fuq
Vjolenza Mansa

This content requires a game (sold separately).


This add-on augments the game with a number of fearsome new bosses. In addition, you will now be able to play as a new hero, the mighty Wizard, who can defeat fantastic beasts with hunter's gear. Original Knights of Braveland game required.

Published by

Ellada Games

Developed by

Ellada Games

Release date


Play with

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Ko-op lokali
  • Plejers-multi lokali