Knights of Braveland: Around The World

Knights of Braveland: Around The World

Ellada GamesAzzjoni u avventuraFamilja u tfalLogħob fuq pjattaformaLogħob tar-rwoli
Requires a game
Requires a game
Għall-etajiet minn 7 snin 'il fuq
Vjolenza Mansa

This content requires a game (sold separately).


This add-on offers you a whole bunch of in-game items from all over the world. Most of the new equipment will be available in the first locations, so you will encounter interesting combinations from the very beginning. Original Knights of Braveland game required.

Published by

Ellada Games

Developed by

Ellada Games

Release date


Play with

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Ko-op lokali
  • Plejers-multi lokali