The Game of Life 2 - El Dorado

The Game of Life 2 - El Dorado

Marmalade Game Studio카드 및 보드클래식가족 및 어린이시뮬레이션
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Embark upon a lifetime of adventure through the magical El Dorado world and discover the legendary golden city today! Hop in your Vintage Car, Steam Paddleboat or Copter. Take control of your route and qualify as a Map Maker, or go with the flow and see what life brings as a Path Finder. Make some life-changing choices in the Waterfall Village surrounded by sparkling rivers and dancing streams. Will you retire to the Golden Temple, or take a classic biplane onwards to your next adventure? The choices are all yours! In the El Dorado World you will find: - New Avatars — Choose from the Golden City Gates, the Jungle Jaguar and more! - New Outfits — Set off in the adventurous Archaeologist outfit, the adorable Monkey Onesie, or as the local Golden Noble! - New Vehicles — Hop in your Bike and Sidecar, or take to the skies in your Hover Plane! - New Jobs — Become a Cook or Mechanic, or qualify as an Aviator or Radio Operator! - New Properties — Pitch your Explorer’s Tent, or settle down in a House of Gold! There are plenty of homes to choose from! Join your friends and family in a magical world where there is wealth to be found in every decision!


Marmalade Game Studio


Marmalade Game Studio

출시 날짜

2023. 8. 9.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S

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