The Dirt Track at Charlotte

The Dirt Track at Charlotte

Monster Games, Inc.레이싱 및 비행시뮬레이션스포츠
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콘솔의 온라인 멀티플레이어에는 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 또는 Xbox Game Pass Core가 필요합니다(별도 판매됨).


Take your Career to America's Home for Racing with this brand new track for Tony Stewart's All-American Racing! This state-of-the-art, four-tenths mile clay oval has 14,000 seats and is located just across the street from the main facility. Once installed, The Dirt Track at Charlotte will be available in ALL series and ALL modes of play for Tony Sewart's All American Racing, including Career Mode and Online Multiplayer. The Dirt Track at Charlotte is a trademark of Speedway Properties Company, LLC


Monster Games, Inc.


Monster Games, Inc.

출시 날짜

2020. 11. 20.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • 로컬 멀티 플레이
  • 온라인 멀티 플레이