Talisman: Digital Edition - The Swordsman Character Pack

Talisman: Digital Edition - The Swordsman Character Pack

Nomad Games카드 및 보드
게임이 필요합니다.
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15세 이상
15세 이상

사용자 상호 작용, 인게임 구매

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콘솔의 온라인 멀티플레이어에는 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 또는 Xbox Game Pass Core가 필요합니다(별도 판매됨).


Unsheathe your blade and battle across the land of Talisman! Years of training have made the Swordsman an expert of the blade, and now he looks to put those skills to use in the race towards the Crown of Command. Purchase this character pack to add the Swordsman to your character collection. He is then available to choose in all game modes. Strength - 5 Craft - 2 Fate - 2 Lives - 4 Alignment - Neutral Starting Space - Castle You begin the game with a Sword from the Purchase deck. If you lose the Sword, you may take one from the Purchase deck for free if you visit the Castle or Village. Whilst you have a weapon equipped you may: Attempt to disarm another character that has a weapon equipped at the start of a battle. To do so, roll 1 die, if the result is a 5 or 6, their weapon falls to the floor and must be ditched on their current space. Choose to Parry when being attacked by another character in battle. Add 2 to your attack score, but if you win, the result is considered a stand-off.


Nomad Games


Nomad Games

출시 날짜

2021. 6. 3.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • 로컬 멀티 플레이
  • 온라인 멀티 플레이

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