Talisman: Digital Edition - The City Expansion

Talisman: Digital Edition - The City Expansion

Nomad Games카드 및 보드
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15세 이상
15세 이상

사용자 상호 작용, 인게임 구매

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“A city of wealth and opportunity beckons… For the brave travellers seeking the Crown of Command, the City is a place of both great potential and great peril.” Discover the City Region, one of the four Kingdoms surrounding the land of Talisman. This expansion adds a new board piece to the main Talisman board, taking you into the bustling City filled with shops, Strangers, Merchants and more. For the traveller with some gold to spend, a trip to the City can give them the edge to survive. The City sits on the corner of the main board and can be accessed through the City space. Once inside the busy city, you’ll find yourself roaming through the streets with the option to enter a range of shops. The shops in the city are filled with Objects, Spells, Armour, Potions, Pets and more. Check the Wanted Posters at the City Gate space, take on bounties and earn gold for slaying monsters across the land! “Enter the City, brave traveller, and discover the wealth and wonders it holds!”


Nomad Games


Nomad Games

출시 날짜

2021. 6. 3.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • 로컬 멀티 플레이
  • 온라인 멀티 플레이

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