Talisman: Digital Edition - The Blood Moon Expansion

Talisman: Digital Edition - The Blood Moon Expansion

Nomad Games카드 및 보드
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15세 이상
15세 이상

사용자 상호 작용, 인게임 구매

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콘솔의 온라인 멀티플레이어에는 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 또는 Xbox Game Pass Core가 필요합니다(별도 판매됨).


“A pale glow engulfs the land… Once in a generation, the Blood Moon begins its fell cycle, bathing the realm in a pallid light. Compelled by its sinister presence, the restless dead rise from their graves, vampires hunt for unwary prey, and witches engage in nocturnal rituals. Worse yet, the horrifying Werewolf prowls the night, seeking heroes with whom to share his curse.” The land of Talisman has a new creature prowling its lands. The Blood Moon introduces the Werewolf, a feral creature and a new NPC into the game. As you venture through the land, try to make sure you’re not in reach of the Werewolf as the consequences of him landing on you could be fatal, unless you plan on becoming a lycanthrope yourself! The Werewolf can smell the blood of an Enemy up to 6 spaces away and continues to prowl the land of Talisman for the entirety of a game. Anytime you roll a 1 you’ll have to roll for the Werewolf’s movement too. If the Werewolf lands on a space with a Character, the player has to roll a die against the Werewolf’s chart to determine their fate. Being a werewolf isn’t the end of the world… If you become a lycanthrope, you’ll find yourself with some great advantages, but also with some disadvantages. During the night you’ll discover your strength as a Werewolf allows you to add 2 to your attack score, you must attack another player if you land on their space, and if they lose against you they have to roll against the Werewolf chart! However, during the day you must deduct 2 from your attack score, so best to avoid other characters or you may be left with your tail between your legs! Time in Talisman moves slowly. The world as we’ve known it so far has not shown us the risks nightfall brings. During the night phase of the game, creatures receive bonuses to their attack scores, so drawing an Adventure Card might be a bigger risk than you’re used too. However, during the day creatures receive a penalty and have a reduced attack score. Some Adventure and Spell Cards also have different effects depending on whether it’s Day or Night.


Nomad Games


Nomad Games

출시 날짜

2021. 6. 3.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • 로컬 멀티 플레이
  • 온라인 멀티 플레이

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