Talisman: Digital Edition - Complete Runestone Deck

Talisman: Digital Edition - Complete Runestone Deck

Nomad Games카드 및 보드
게임이 필요합니다.
게임이 필요합니다.
15세 이상
15세 이상

사용자 상호 작용, 인게임 구매

이 콘텐츠에는 게임이 필요합니다(별도 판매).

콘솔의 온라인 멀티플레이어에는 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 또는 Xbox Game Pass Core가 필요합니다(별도 판매됨).


A complete set of Runestone cards, which give your Talisman characters extra abilities, for use in online and offline game modes. Designed to speed up a game of Talisman, and also make your characters more powerful, Runestones are cards which you can attach to your characters to give them the advantage over their opponents. Each character can have 3 Runestone cards equipped, so you can mix and match which abilities are suitable for each character. Enable Runestones in your game to be able to select them at the start of the game, to create a unique Talisman experience tailored to you. Will you give the Troll a higher starting Craft? Or maybe make your Wizard immune to being Toaded? The choice is yours! Important note - These Runestone cards can be unlocked through normal game progression.


Nomad Games


Nomad Games

출시 날짜

2021. 6. 3.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • 로컬 멀티 플레이
  • 온라인 멀티 플레이

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