Savage Halloween

Savage Halloween

QUByte Interactive액션 및 어드벤처플랫포머슈팅
전체 이용가
전체 이용가
폭력성, 공포


In Savage Halloween, the world is taken over by monsters from the afterlife who were trapped in the Earth after a Halloween party.Every year the monsters are invited to the big 24hr Halloween rave, but this time no one came home, as an evil vampire used a spell to block the passage back to the afterlife because, according to him, the party could not stop. Among the guests, James, a farmer who had his eternal rest interrupted, took his shotgun, and decided to end the riot. Join the resistance and send everyone home. No one can handle so much noise, goo, and werewolf hair on clothes anymore. Characters James: in life, a grumpy farmer; in the afterlife, he remains in a bad mood and now also armed; Lulu: Werewolf who is not sure if he is a man who dreamed he was a dog, or a dog who dreamed he was a man; Dominika: Daughter of the partying Dark Lord, Dominika is a geek from the depths who urgently wants to come home to see her favorite series. Gameplay Shoot through 7 scenarios with varied gameplay and mechanics, from flying on a witch's broom to hitchhiking on a penguin's back. Choose your monster and put a bullet in the enemy!


QUByte Interactive



출시 날짜

2021. 4. 15.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Xbox 로컬 협력 (2-2)
  • Xbox 로컬 다중 접속 (2-2)
  • 싱글 플레이어
  • 공유/분할 화면
  • Xbox 도전 과제
  • Xbox 현재 상태
  • Xbox 클라우드 저장