For The King

For The King

Curve Games액션 및 어드벤처카드 및 보드롤플레잉
12 지원 언어
12 지원 언어
전체 이용가
전체 이용가
폭력성, 공포

+앱 내 구매를 제공합니다.

콘솔의 온라인 멀티플레이어에는 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 또는 Xbox Game Pass Core가 필요합니다(별도 판매됨).


For The King is a strategic RPG that blends tabletop and roguelike elements in a challenging adventure that spans the realms. Set off on a single player experience or play cooperatively both online and locally. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you put an end to the Chaos? For The King: Lost Civilization Adventure Pack Explore the mysterious Jungle Falls and uncover the secrets of an ancient civilization in this thrilling adventure pack. Includes the new jungle realm, arena battles, wands and dual wielding, two new playable characters, and tons of unique enemies and loot. For The King is a challenging blend of strategy, turn-based combat, and roguelike elements. Each playthrough is unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Explore Fahrul in either single player, local, or online co-op. Just remember adventurer, you do this not for riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!


Curve Games


IronOak Games

출시 날짜

2019. 8. 6.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • PC


  • Xbox 로컬 협력 (2-3)
  • 온라인 협동 (2-3)
  • 싱글 플레이어
  • 변수 새로 고침 빈도

버전 비교

  1. For The King
    이 버전

    For The King

    사용할 수 있는 캡션 없음

    For The King

    이 버전

  2. For The King Franchise Bundle

    For The King Franchise Bundle

    사용할 수 있는 캡션 없음

    For The King Franchise Bundle


    포함된 게임

    For The KingFor The KingFor The King II
    게임으로 이동