Fishing Planet: Sport Kayak Pack

Fishing Planet: Sport Kayak Pack

Fishing Planet LLC가족 및 어린이시뮬레이션스포츠
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Introducing the unique Sport Kayak Pack for those looking to zoom across the water. Sport Kayak Pack includes a fast Dotted Shark™ sports kayak from MagFin™ and 20 BaitCoins for an attractive price. Sliding on the water, this stylish and elegant black-and-white kayak can develop the speed of a real shark. BaitCoins — the game’s currency — is a valuable addition to the bundle, which allows you to buy unique gear and equipment. If you just need a fast sports kayak, then the Sport Kayak Pack is your choice! Sport Kayak Pack includes: * 20 BAITCOINS use to purchase advanced fishing tackle, available only for BaitCoins. Spend your BaitCoins wisely! * 10 Storage Slots KAYAK: * MagFin™ DottedShark™ Sport Kayak Specifications: Length: 10 ft 4 in (3.15 m) Width: 35 in (88.9 cm) Weight: 62 Lb (25 kg) Max Speed: 6 mph (10 kmh) Passenger capacity 1 Rod Holders -


Fishing Planet LLC


Fishing Planet LLC

출시 날짜

2024. 2. 8.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC

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