Firefighters – The Simulation

Firefighters – The Simulation

United Independent Entertainment액션 및 어드벤처전략시뮬레이션


Buildings ablaze, people screaming and flames shooting several feet high! Welcome to the professional fire brigade. You and your team will experience the exciting work of the professional fire brigade, surviving realistic missions where you extinguish house fires, salvage and neutralize extremely toxic and hazardous substances, and accomplish many other fascinating tasks. From small fires to CBRN defence ops, the professional fire brigade offers a wide range of operations. Track down and analyse dangerous goods, secure dangerous goods transportation and contain escaping liquids. Use the robot to salvage contaminated objects, and save lives! FEATURES • A large open world scenario including a city, nuclear power plant, industrial park and countryside • Search for radioactive substances, extract smoke from tunnels, combat small fires and major conflagrations • Includes special vehicles and equipment like turntable ladders, special robots, tank trucks and hook lift trucks


United Independent Entertainment


VIS Games / Kittehface Software

버전 비교

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    Firefighters – The SimulationFirefighters: Airport Fire DepartmentProfessional Farmer 2017
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