Firefighters: Airport Fire Department

Firefighters: Airport Fire Department

United Independent Entertainment액션 및 어드벤처전략시뮬레이션


Fire can be a friend, but also a merciless foe. Nowhere else is the danger greater than at a modern airport with thousands of travellers and highly flammable kerosene. Move out with your team and experience tense missions. As a member of the airport fire department, you and your team extinguish massive aircraft fires and beat a path through the flickering flames. Drive all kinds of fire-fighting vehicles and put out conflagrations with the mounted fire monitors. Combat local fires with extinguishers and everything you can find in your equipment. Vanquish the indomitable flames! Your team is counting on you. Don't let them down! FEATURES • Realistic models of fire-fighting vehicles • Over 20 km² of airport grounds for a wide range of missions • Detailed vitality system for information about your own fitness


United Independent Entertainment


VIS Games / Kittehface Software

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