Dangerous Driving

Dangerous Driving

Three Fields Entertainment레이싱 및 비행
전체 이용가
전체 이용가

사용자 상호 작용

+앱 내 구매를 제공합니다.

콘솔의 온라인 멀티플레이어에는 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 또는 Xbox Game Pass Core가 필요합니다(별도 판매됨).


From the creative talent behind the genre-defining Burnout® series, Dangerous Driving puts aggression back into the racing genre, recapturing the spirit of the past and taking it to a new place. Dangerous Driving is a game about real driving. The sort of driving you want to do when no one else is looking. The sort of driving you'd love to do if only everyone else would get OUT OF THE DAMN WAY! This game gives you the chance to live out that fantasy. To floor it in everyday cars, at high speeds, weaving in and out of traffic and slamming the other cars right off the road. It's about speed, driving skill and beautiful powerslides around epic corners. It's also about all out aggression, instant retaliation and sweet, sweet revenge. The more dangerously you drive, the faster you can go. There is only one way to drive - Dangerously. There is only one way to win - Takedown anything that tries to get between you and the finish line.


Three Fields Entertainment


Three Fields Entertainment


  • 온라인 멀티플레이어 (2-6)
  • 싱글 플레이어
  • Xbox One X Enhanced
  • Xbox 도전 과제
  • Xbox 현재 상태
  • Xbox 클라우드 저장

버전 비교

  1. Accidents will Happen - Dangerous Driving Crash Mode Bundle

    Accidents will Happen - Dangerous Driving Crash Mode Bundle

    사용할 수 있는 캡션 없음

    Accidents will Happen - Dangerous Driving Crash Mode Bundle


    포함된 게임

    Dangerous DrivingDanger Zone 2Danger Zone
    게임으로 이동
  2. Ultimate Danger Bundle - 4 Dangerous Games including Dangerous Driving

    Ultimate Danger Bundle - 4 Dangerous Games including Dangerous Driving

    사용할 수 있는 캡션 없음

    Ultimate Danger Bundle - 4 Dangerous Games including Dangerous Driving


    포함된 게임

    Danger ZoneDanger Zone 2Dangerous DrivingDangerous Golf
    게임으로 이동