Bomb Bowling X (Xbox One)

Bomb Bowling X (Xbox One)

Desert Water Games퍼즐 및 퀴즈플랫포머가족 및 어린이
1 지원 언어
1 지원 언어


Bomb Bowling X is a casual retro game where you need to help a cute cat in a superhero cape win at Bomb Bowling. It has only a few bomb charges, as well as bowling balls, basketballs and your skill and ingenuity. The goal of the game is to complete levels by knocking pins off the screen. This can be done by exploding bombs that set various objects in motion (bowling balls, pins, basketballs, canes, balloons) The player's task is to build a logical sequence of their interactions Armed with the laws of physics and your own ingenuity, bring down the full power of your "striking" skill on the pins!


Desert Water Games


Grinrobot Studio

출시 날짜

2025. 2. 7.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • 싱글 플레이어
  • Xbox 도전 과제
  • Xbox 클라우드 저장

버전 비교

  1. Bomb Bowling X (Xbox One)
    이 버전

    Bomb Bowling X (Xbox One)

    사용할 수 있는 캡션 없음

    Bomb Bowling X (Xbox One)

    이 버전

  2. Bomb Bowling X Bundle Pack

    Bomb Bowling X Bundle Pack

    사용할 수 있는 캡션 없음

    Bomb Bowling X Bundle Pack


    포함된 게임

    Bomb Bowling XBomb Bowling X (Xbox One)
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