Black Adder Crime Scene Bundle

Black Adder Crime Scene Bundle

Marmalade Game Studios카드 및 보드가족 및 어린이시뮬레이션클래식
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Mr. Coral, the manager of the Black Adder resort, has invited all six guests suspected of the murder of Boden “Boddy” Black Jr. to lay-low on his exclusive tropical island. Every guest accepts Coral’s invitation, only to find themselves in the middle of a new murder mystery! After closing the Black Adder resort Case, two editions of Case File's Revisited will blow it wide open! More guests were present when the crime was committed and new layers of evidence have come to light! Includes: - The Black Adder Resort Crime Scene - A luxurious, private holiday destination for the rich and the famous - The first Case File's Revisited - Revisit the night of Callan Coral’s murder and discover the mysteries surrounding Gray and Hyacinth!


Marmalade Game Studios


Marmalade Game Studios

출시 날짜

2023. 12. 5.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S

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