Linn: Path of Orchards
Carbon Fire Studio•플랫포머•퍼즐 및 퀴즈
Step out of your conventional platforming habits and delve into the dynamic and rotating world of Linn, a modern puzzle platformer set in a fantastic and mysterious ancient world. You are in control of Aban, an exotic guardian of nature, on her journey through a lost sky temple. Help Aban on her divine mission to rejuvenate the ancient Tree of Light. Levels consist of treacherous dynamic platforms that make you rethink every move before you press any button. Completing each level needs both timely reactions and logical thinking.
Carbon Fire Studio
Fanoos Games
출시 날짜
다음 사용자와 플레이
- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X|S
- 싱글 플레이어
- Xbox 도전 과제
- Xbox 현재 상태
- Xbox 클라우드 저장