Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival - SPY×FAMILY Pack

Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival - SPY×FAMILY Pack

Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.მუსიკაოჯახი და ბავშვები
Requires a game
Requires a game
3 წლის და უფროსი ასაკისთვის

In-Game Purchases

This content requires a game (sold separately).

Game requires online multiplayer subscription to play on console (Game Pass Core or Ultimate, sold separately).


This DLC is playable in Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival game modes like Taiko Mode, Great Drum Toy War and Run! Ninja Dojo. SPY×FAMILY Pack - Song: SOUVENIR Easy ★3, Normal ★4, Hard ★5, Extreme ★6 - Song: Kura Kura Easy ★2, Normal ★4, Hard ★4, Extreme ★7 - Song: WISE - BONDMAN - STRIX Easy ★3, Normal ★5, Hard ★5, Extreme ★8 *The songs included in this product may also be available in the Taiko Music Pass.

Published by

Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.

Developed by

Bandai Namco Amusement Lab Inc.

Release date


Play with

  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • ადგილზე თანამშრომლობა
  • რამდენიმე მოთამაშე ადგილობრივად
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