Soul Hackers 2 - Bonus Story Arc: The Lost Numbers

Soul Hackers 2 - Bonus Story Arc: The Lost Numbers

SEGAროლის გათამაშება
Requires a game
Requires a game
16 წლის და უფროსი ასაკისთვის
ინტენსიური ძალადობა, ინტენსიური გინება, საშინელებათა, ალკოჰოლის/თამბაქოს გამოყენება

This content requires a game (sold separately).


Grants access to "The Lost Numbers" bonus story arc and new dungeon. Centered around a new Devil Summoner, Nana, you'll experience this side-story over the course of multiple requests (recommended levels ranging 19-99), which will appear gradually at Club Cretaceous as you progress through the main story. Your progress in the main story will also unlock a new dungeon: Hachigaya Training Field. In its depths, you will find the most harrowing, punishing boss fight this game can throw at you. If you hunger for the thrill of battle, look no further.

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