Papa's Quiz
Old Apes•თავსატეხები და გამოცანები
Papa’s Quiz is a party game for 1-8 players. Use phones or tablets as controllers and compete in multiple question types, where the smartest and fastest player will be the last standing victor! Quiz! We crafted over 3000 original questions in 185 categories for this game. Dress up! Create your avatar, and give it a fun name! Dress it up with creative clothes and use it to express your victories in the game. Fight for category! Give the other players a good fight for which category to play. Tap, tap, tap to win! Dance! Choose your dance moves to express your good fortune.
Published by
Old Apes
Developed by
Old Apes
Release date
Play with
- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X|S
- Xbox რამდენიმე მოთამაშე ადგილობრივად (2-8)
- Xbox მიღწევები
- Xbox გლობალურ ქსელში შენახვა