"IIN is a relaxing puzzle platform game for you to play on the couch while conquering all achievements in a short amount of time. You are a soul who controls cubes, overcoming challenges to open and enter the portals, your true goal;" "About this game: You play as a wandering soul that takes control of cubes, and needs to bring the right one to the portal, dealing with many forces on the way. A relaxing and thought-provoking world The path of IIN is a journey of reflexion and self-knowledge. The calm pacing and the inspiring soundtrack sets the mood and pulls you into an immersive experience. A mix of physics and puzzle challenges All levels were designed to defy your mind and your perceptions, with smooth learning experiences so that you can eventually master this world. In this world of perception, you are free to explore and discover new ways to conquer each challenge. Face challenges based on the whimsical forces of the universe You have several ways to interact with shapes, natural forces and contrasting phenomena. Combine your abilities and puzzle-solving skills with your friends Two minds thinking better than one is a fact and is on your favor. You can join a friend for a full-on cooperative puzzle experience."
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- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X|S
- Xbox ლოკალური თანამშრომლობა (2-2)
- Xbox რამდენიმე მოთამაშე ადგილობრივად (2-2)
- ერთი მოთამაშე
- Xbox მიღწევები
- Xbox გლობალურ ქსელში შენახვა
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