Goat Simulator 3 - Multiversal Traveler's Edition

Goat Simulator 3 - Multiversal Traveler's Edition

Coffee Stain Publishing ABსიმულაცია
12 წლის და უფროსი ასაკისთვის
საშუალო ძალადობა, მსუბუქი გინება

მომხმარებელთა შორის ინტერაქცია

+Offers in-app purchases.


Multiversal Traveler's Edition bundle is here! Wow, try saying that fast several times in a row. Goat Simulator 3 is a nonsense game that now has its proper nonsense DLC that somehow makes sense. This bundle includes the base game of Goat Simulator 3 and the Multiverse of Nonsense DLC

Published by

Coffee Stain Publishing AB

Developed by

Coffee Stain North AB

Release date


Play with

  • Xbox Series X|S

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