Game Pass


Bethesda Softworksროლის გათამაშება
On sale: save USD$7.50, ends in 10 days
4 Supported languages
On sale: save USD$7.50, ends in 10 days
4 Supported languages
16 წლის და უფროსი ასაკისთვის
ინტენსიური ძალადობა, ინტენსიური გინება, სიმულირებული აზარტული თამაშები


You've just unearthed the classic post-apocalyptic role-playing game that revitalized the entire CRPG genre. The Fallout® SPECIAL system allows drastically different types of characters, meaningful decisions and development that puts you in complete control. Explore the devastated ruins of a golden age civilization. Talk, sneak or fight your way past mutants, gangsters and robotic adversaries. Make the right decisions or you could end up as another fallen hero in the wastelands...

Published by

Bethesda Softworks

Developed by


Release date


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  • PC


  • ერთი მოთამაშე

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